Remaking as a Blog, Day 1

The site has been around since 1995, but I’m a blogger and wanted to make revolve around a blog. From my point of view, blogs are superior technology. They package together a ton of functionality and allow me to formulate content in bite-sized chunks.

Blogs make it easier for our visitors to see what is new, recent, or about a particular topic. Blogs make it easy for people to interact with us through comments and create interesting conversations. Blogs organize site content so that others can link to it so they don’t have to just say – “you know, that paragraph in the upper right corner”.

Since I started blogging in 2003, WordPress has become dominant as a blogging tool. My other blogs are TypePad-based. Now I want to make my previously *static* websites: and eventually into blogs with extra pages for content that is relatively static or for reference.

I just started this blog tonight and plan to back fill in my blog-like posts that are currently up and running on the site. Eventually, this blog will take its place but there’s lots of research and design and learning to do before that happens.

If you happen to discover us here in our formative days, welcome. Keep in mind I am shopping for a the ideal wordpress theme. Right now I’m using a free WordPress theme called Connections Reloaded. I like it, but I really want 3 columns so this is just temporary.

What you are seeing if you are reading this at a later date is probably much different by now. I’ll document what I use once I’ve settled on something. By the way, I won’t just use a theme as is, I’ll tweak it further.

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