Let’s Rock!

4G iPod nanos

Apple Keeps on Rocking. The Apple innovation machine continues to delight. The rumor sites had the outlines, but didn’t do the 4G nano justice like the photo above does. The new nanos have the same size screen in a vertical orientation. But the built-in accelerometer allows you to turn sideways to view content horizontally. Vertical is a better orientation for the basics and horizontal gives you a wide screen when you need it.

4g_nano_new_menuShake your groove thing. Shake your nano to shuffle the songs. Voice record with the microphone built into the headphones. Those headphones let you adjust volume and go to next or previous song. The improved headphone controls work on both the 4G nano and 2G iPod touch.

New Menu: Now you press and hold the center button to navigate around your nano.

Feather weight. The 4G nano, an impulse buy at $149 for 8gb, weighs 1.3 oz. That may be why these things end up going into the laundry. Be careful.

new 2g iPod touch2G iPod touch. We expect more of the touch because it is truly a handheld computer. New are external volume control buttons, built-in speaker and the ability to use a microphone input via Apple’s new headphones. Nike ipod integrationfor tracking your workouts. The genius feature (see below). An $80 – $100 price drop!

genius iconGenius Feature. iTunes 8 brings smarts (“genius”) to iTunes and the new crop of iPods. The scenario is you hear a song you love and want to hear more songs like that right now. Just press the center button and have your built-in genius create a playlist for you. How well it works is yet to be determined but they’ve sure got my attention!

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