Using Thesis Theme on our Studio Manager site

Even though it is going to take a while to figure out how to take care of every single minor issue that occurred moving from our static website to this blog-driven WordPress site, we are sure it is a great move.

We’ve got the basic pages of our site up now with tabs across the top for navigation. Switching web hosts is about as hard as switching from static to blog-based, so we are not sure doing both at once was such a bright idea.

About a week ago, we committed to using the Thesis Theme for our WordPress site. That cost us $87. We had so much fun and are so enthused, that we’ve now started building up the site as a WordPress site. Our $87 license for Thesis Theme is a one blog deal, so we limped along since last Thursday on the studio-manager site with the Kubrick theme. Not pretty!

Today, I decided to use Thesis on my new studio-manager wordpress site. So, that cost $77 more. Now, though, I have a license that lets me use thesis theme on as many sites as I want for my own use. If you value your time and you think you have a good theme, it saves time to use the same theme. You learn once and apply twice. And, since these are both related sites, the resemblance is a good thing.

We have over 25 pages to migrate on the site, so it is going to be a while before we transfer the domain to our new blog-based site. More to follow.